Active series

Ex Africa

A series conceived and directed by Pierluigi Valsecchi and Fabio Viti

“Ex Africa semper aliquid novi”. Naming the series after this classical adage seemed fitting for its expectation of Africa’s being a constant source of surprise and novelty. Ex Africa hosts innovative studies, whether resulting from original researches that contribute to increasing and refining our knowledge, or high-profile syntheses that reflect and relaunch topics and problems debated by Africanist disciplines.


Asia Major

Asia Major. A Series of the “Cesare Bonacossa” Study Center for Extra-European Peoples – University of Pavia offers an editorial venue for area studies in the broader geographical, historical and cultural sense of the term “Asia”, ranging from the shores of the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean to the Far East. In dialogue with the traditional activities of the “Cesare Bonacossa” Study Center for Non-European Peoples, the series is clearly interdisciplinary and open to contributions that consider history, economics, anthropology, sociology, politics, diasporas and international relations of Asian countries and societies, without any chronological prescriptions.Special attention will be paid to contemporary events, in both their historic and present-day contexts, as well as to their relational nodes with other continental and regional realities. Scientific Committee: Pierluigi Valsecchi (director), Silvio Beretta, Sandro Bordone, Axel Berkofsky, Valeria Piacentini, Guido Samarani
